Working On the Chest in Order to Move to the Breast

July 31, 2024

Working On the Chest in Order to Move to the Breast

When working on the pectoral muscles, the drape is lowered slightly. The pectoral muscles can be massaged appropriately, working not more than one or two inches below the collarbone. The point is that therapists are trained to work on the pectoral muscles while avoiding breast tissue, but predators will start working on the chest in order to move to the breast.


Gateway Area: Working on the Chest Before Assault  

Predatory massage therapists often suggest to female clients that working on the pectoral muscles in the upper chest would be beneficial.  

Then, after a short while, the therapist works his way down from the upper chest to assault the woman’s breasts, often touching the nipples as well as manhandling the breasts. They often sexually assault the breasts by bringing their hands under the drape. Most women freeze and can’t speak or act because they go into a state of shock when this occurs. 

 One way the assault often begins is by the therapist working between the breasts on the upper part of the breastbone, called the sternum. Then, either pushing the drape aside or going under the sheet, they commit their assault. 


Appropriate Chest Massage 

Multiple areas of the chest can benefit from massage therapy when done appropriately and for a good reason. The pectoral muscles are often overused and get sore during certain types of exercise, and they could also benefit from massage. They can also strain and become injured, both in the muscle and the tendon that’s attached to the upper arm. 

 There are also small muscles, called intercostal muscles, that attach the ribs to one another. These muscles are frequently strained and can be treated by a specialized type of massage treatment. These muscles cover the entire rib cage but are usually strained at the sides of the chest or just below the breasts. Therapists with specialized training work on these muscles to help ease clients out of pain. 

 Large massage spa franchises do not usually permit this type of work. Most therapists are not trained to do this and usually just wing it if they try. Franchises are also trying to minimize the risks of inappropriate touch, and many, but not all, have stringent rules about where you can and cannot massage a client. 


Breast Massage is Illegal in Most States 

In the United States, working on the breast itself is illegal in most states. The few places that do allow working on that breast require written and verbal consent from the client, a reason to do this type of work, and, depending on the state, a certain number of hours of training. 

 In several provinces in Canada, breast massage is legal, and there is extensive mandatory training as a part of the therapist’s education. Just a few of the therapeutic benefits are working on the painful scars that can result from breast surgery, a radical mastectomy, or treating a clogged milk duct. The intercostal muscles under the edges of the breast also get strained and benefit from treatment. All these procedures take a fair amount of training that is not usually available in the United States. 

 I think it’s wise to set the boundary very firmly in a setting like massage therapy so that when a crime is committed it is very clear that a line was crossed. 


If you’re a lawyer who is currently involved in a sexual assault case and needs an expert witness with a massage or spa background, schedule a conversation with Dr. Benjamin here.

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Ben E. Benjamin holds a Ph.D. in Sports Medicine and has been an expert witness in cases of sexual assault in a massage/spa setting since 2004, advising lawyers, testifying in depositions and trials, and writing reports. His expertise extends beyond massage therapy and ethical behavior. He also advises spas, both large and small, on the creation of comprehensive sexual assault prevention strategies that ensure safe and ethical practices in the industry.

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